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Asking Prize : 150000

8/10/2022 10:41:22 AM

Product Description

for sale Tahinia & penaut butter & cashew butter &all nuts butter production line ready for work 1 roastry machine 50 kg / h 1 grinding machine 100 kg /h 1 filling machine 1 bottles selling machine 1 Expire date coding machine for more information call 30301168

(4 / 10 / 7066 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( محمد )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 30301168 )

number of ads : ( 176 )

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Product Key Word

sale Tahinia penaut butter cashew butter nuts butter production line ready work roastry machine grinding machine /h 1 filling machine bottles selling machine Expire date coding machine more information call 30301168tahina penautbutterlineproductio